Zombs.io Pvp

Today we're playing a brand-new Daioh game called thumbs that I love for zombies b-dubs I'm hungry now anyway we're playing exams, that IO build defend survive so the whole goal of the game is to build a base and then you get gold you. Generate gold and you can actually defend against the zombies so this is somebody's base all these smokes look at that right there so I don't think this is a PvP game, maybe it is he came at me like he was gonna kill me so nevermind it's definitely PvP so I'm assuming you. Can kill people but it is basically not shooting me oh my goodness this looks, like a good area so I'm assuming you're going to I'm going to need all of these different types of things and so we're going to, maybe build right here this looks like a pretty good location to build. With stone and wood because I think let's just check it out wall is wood door is, wooden stone pretty even arrow town wouldn't stun even even bomb tower even everything's even it looks like goldmine generate gold gold, stash so it looks like that we're going to need a pretty even amount of. Items and so I wonder if we should build here or maybe we build like off of in this area. Right here because this okay so here's what I think what happens when you have when you have a gold stash I think that's when zombies attack so we definitely. Don't want to build one until maybe the daytime, we can try to build extremely fast so as long as I'm going to I might get attacked by zombies I have no frickin idea so maybe as long as so it looks like. It's the leaderboard stuff, so I'm just going to assume that if we don't build a base Kurt right now we'll be okay and so then. You gather so fast in this game don't you oh my gosh so you have the ability to like get a shop and, like upgrade items and stuff to use those it's pretty cool so I really, want to I really want to see what happens once the night time passes because I don't want. To I don't know place the gold stance to establish your base you can only place buildings near you go with sin so choose wisely well let's see some of these basically attacked that guy. Was over here right it's pretty close by what's the purple and yellow meter the mean, is that opposing teams look at his base there's all this stuff I'm new bro I'm just, new but I don't know what's happening okay so it's daytime let's build a. Base let's do it let's let's get some zombie action going on here so you have two out I think you can probably fight the zombies too. But I think you're supposed to build defenses and build a base and protect. You that way where the heck was ahead this is better than nothing let's just build right here so here's the gold stash okay so I can. Just place it down like this all right okay so then we're. Going to need some walls okay that actually move kind of move to do this can I click and drag oh you can click and. Drag that's really nice okay so there you go so what about it. What about an arrow tower I don't know what's I don't know what's more important here I don't know what I should build Oh Oh zombies coming, zombies zombies holy goodness there's so many zombies stay with my gold zombies why are you interested in freaking gold anyways. Can you I have always good only have so many of these oh that's no good okay so we got a bomb tower we got. Cannons what the heck dude oh do we need a door for, a gold stash okay can't get rid this oh I think I might are you gonna upgrade the walls to what dude there's some kinds of things you can do in this, game all right so I'm not quite certain how I should build my base. Maybe we need someone we like a doorway like this right I don't need, to sell this hold on oh I will I will get this down guys it will make total sense when it's all said and done okay we have, two points of entry interface I don't think that really mad or dude we're getting gold though go here they come here they come. Oh yeah get regs ambe's oh yeah dude the, freaking arrows on dude look at the do the arrow towers old P they're attacking our walls get off my washing jerks apparently I am not targeted. Get in a parent yeah apparently I don't be targeted hobbies you second life don't you you've second life so what to build, these things and they let us have access to different different things all be trapped. Bears more coming so we're going to build all the way around this I'm gonna have to spend some time and gather some, materials here in a second all right so that's gathering that's gathering gold force right don't gold lots of gold, why the zombies have six thousand gold one in the world okay party shop pickaxe spear who bomb health, potion yeah yeah yeah spear about a bow I don't like sound. Like a football hmm tell post here's a player for help that seems important okay sweet so we get and. We're getting gold and stuff so can we upgrade these upgrade Oh 90s we can upgrade the gold mine so let's. Let's gather let's gather materials good of the materials quick so so far our base is doing pretty good we're on, wave 2 so I'm assuming it's gonna get more intense as things go on upgrade your gold stash 5000 gold were you crazy that's insane that's so much gold okay the, coming upgrade these 15 why can't upgrade these I don't understand 15 word 15 so internet gold. I got I got the gold all right can I have to go for, that I've got 700 so I guess I can't probably maybe I can't just put those down that's probably order this I build that, there I'm gonna put some more cannons down like this oh here comes the Zambos here comes his oh he's attacking me, you jerk what do I do okay I switch to it oh. They got clubs they got clothes now in the world get off you jerks oh no I can't click dude you got freaking clubs okay, he's not like you're doing not like doing any damage to me are you serious I. Know they have clubs his building within range of current position so things are getting. Damaged but are they dealing in time they're healing in time interesting well I'm out oh crap we need to gather I should have built by the Doubletree always built by the deviltries i had. Like a perfect location but i lost i don't, know where went or just say I don't know where I went the location obviously did, not move at all okay well there you go sometimes you say things that you don't mean to say and you make yourself look like a. Stupid idiot uh-huh uh-huh oh dude sweet check this out gold mine gold mine oh yeah gold mine if you would invest in gold and ruin. Your life mage tower beautiful beautiful mage tower oh god we don't need a door we don't need a, frickin door oh the dude the mage towers got like a.

Multi range shot there okay so things are getting damaged but it looks like for right now our base can handle it they're trying to get, in to my gold stash it's not gonna work look at all these guys chomps just hanging out they're.

Stuck on this stuck on the freakin side of the. Tree you dummies you big dummies okay so we're 15 6 things are going pretty slow in tech Opia in the tack city tech Opia we need to. We need to protect our mage tower it's probably like a way better idea way to do this and my base is like a mess, mmm oh don't hate me guys okay I didn't I didn't think it through I didn't plan it, through I was literally overwhelmed by the sheer look but the sheer sight of what, this game was at first glance okay so don't don't hate me don't hate me guys okay but this. I think we got this whole point down here with the mage tower and building walls and stuff and. Making sure that we've got this all kind of secure in terms of like you know we have a wall, built up for every single thing except for the cannons you know kind of right next to the.

Goldmine there which is kind of a problem but the thing is is like as you get more gold then we're going to be able to upgrade and then we, can we can upgrade our gold stench and then upgrade the individual towers and make them even more, intense and awesome and I wonder how many waves we can withstand we're about to get there actually right now upgrade upgrade so now I can, upgrade this suite so I'll trade the gold mines next hopefully doesn't come back to bite me in, the booty do buried me in the booties now it's now nice it's now noise okay I will, probably need a mage tower here to pose with a. Bomb tower there too may be nice okay here they come here they come I'm Terra going down alright bomb towers going, on nice explosion explosion nice explosive damage there what we got this side is weak over here the side on. The what this side looks like it's kind of weak look at this getting damaged like, crazy oh we can't put a tunnel listen let's do this bomb heck is happening bomb tower I'm Tower but I can't put another one down oh I'm out of range that's what it is I'm. A today I swear okay I know what I'm doing I'm a bomb tower builder expert bomb tower. Builder expert that's not the right that's not right the veg net correct how about. We sell one of these we put this bad boy right there and then we put one of these right yeah there we go. That looks good while this off our base is a total mess but whatever it's good nonetheless where do we have weakness huh where do we, have weakness lots of stuff how about a bomb tower right here this is this area looks this area looks like, an eejit not really but what if I just left it like that, what if I just left it like that the people out there who are like super anal be like I can't watch this channel anymore. I'd subscribe in tax losses mine is building like I'm like. A lunatic um things are not looking good right now they've got swords I guess I could probably actually go out here and help defend Oh. Cramp maybe not cuz you sell things but I just sell what did. I sell a mage talent I sell mate know I saw I saw the gold, on gold mine dude was freaking crapped in it's kind of annoying they need a decent about that there we go for wood arms beautiful look at this were climbing the boars over here. To up got upgrading those gold mines upgrade the gold mines they said in. Your life will become glorious can I wonder if you can still steal, other players stuff because if you can you can really just walk right into my base and. Steal my stuff Oh guys I hope that's not the case alright dude we have upgraded everything that now requires ten thousand we have unwelcome you put more, mage towers down which I think we definitely need to or specifically over here because I think this area was actually my whole base was just over ran they, weren't shooting fast enough okay okay okay okay where are we. Going to put it we're going to put it probably like right here this looks good looks like a good spot and, we're we're gonna upgrade the walls we're going to upgrade everything everything we got us we get so much. Gold gold is just pouring in gold is just in my bones my bones gold coming right now everything we're getting so much, stuff we're getting everything we could possibly desire out. Of life things are going well we are living the high life right now okay come on give me that gold to about to get attacked I'm really nervous, about attacking anything because I'm just kind of like I feel like I'm just going to delete my base I really hope oh my gosh there's so many. Of them I'm not even, doing any damage to them barely doing any damage oh my gosh oh my gosh are they are they in are they in say anything so they're just destroying walls okay okay so far so good. They've just destroyed walls we can handle that we can, handle that wait they got something right here what they destroyed what, they better get a bomb tower they gotta get off my screen they got a bomb tower right here guys it took it out so we have to least double up or upgrade our walls on the outside, it's vitally important they're just destroying everything the sheer amount of, them guys we have to go through and click each one of these that's insane oh oh oh crap oh crap looks like the stone walls, actually defending quite well Oh this is insane this is insane this, is intense this is like seriously intense I just keep, thinking into any moment they're going to get my gold stash why did the zombies care so much for my. Gold seriously freaking zombies get your own gold get your own freakin gold zombies I'm sure you guys have run into some gold on little along the hillside somewhere good okay. So after this okay we need to definitely definitely definitely invest in upgrading or what are our weapons so, we we've got enough goal that we can probably upgrade. This like a bunch yeah pickaxe okay we got a diamond pickaxe now right we got a gold pickaxe well get is we're gathering I said only three, two time maybe it's way faster as I say five or three so three doesn't it what is that crap why, can't you upgrade faster huh so I definitely think the best thing to do is put maybe the arrows on the outskirts maybe I don't know for, sure I'm just gonna I'm just going to upgrade all the things that are on the outskirts and I'm hoping that this will, actually. Help them defend better come on it's going so slow how to click every single time I'm going to click off the screen we need installed no they're gonna get us the top part is going to. Be in a world of trouble let's go to a half eight. Thousand come on do that going in the next thing I need the diamond pickaxe please darling Biggs I need you did you in a hurry I need you pouring.

A gold for that oh my gosh everything takes gold which. Sucks okay guys everything takes gold my time is so fast you have literally no time during the day it has to be you've got, to be like on the ball come on Rach all right Joe over here okay upgrade. At all upgrade at all okay we're dude we got this we got this that that's good yes. That's good right there okay we got this we need stoned what is this doing over here salad okay base please please be okay in my absence even though, I'm not defending it, at all I try to attack them but my freakin Spears is nothing I think does absolutely nothing not even, that good upgrade there we go stone doorway that out of help stone it stone should keep out these zombies unless they come wait was, that up did they pass did they pass on that on that face I think so maybe oh yeah all look at how fast that is to diamond, pickaxe is amazing the speed to speed it which is Gatiss is insane it's so fast it's insanely, fast holy crap that's amazing so now we should. Be able to like upgrade pretty much everything right and actually we could probably build more this all takes gold though which sucks but it's. Okay needs that it needs to happen okay so everything is upgraded right so now what, I'm going to do is I think what I want to do is that's so freakin nuts how fast that is maybe I'll do like it more walls double thick the walls I can't but, I can't put anything down there because the tree what that must be it the trees, the tree is limiting my ability my growth okay upgrade upgrade upgrade upgrade yeah this is good now then I could be able to. Get through until like the next. Phase and then I can easily bridge through him there's nothing and I think I still have more walls to how far we in later wood fourth fourth, on the leaderboard what if I can go kill other people probably huh what's the deal with health potions, you don't even need them you don't even need them nice approaching hold on I gotta get a nice sweet screenshot of, my base wife's still got the time to feel like it's any moment everything's gonna come crumbling to an end don't leave me guys stay. With me stay with me through this time I need your cell oh. Dude look at what's gonna happen crap I want to just upgrade all they have like hatchets holy crap. They have hatchets they don't attack you which is crazy oh my gosh they're busting through the stone oh no I think it's all over there's massive. Guys are they are we withstanding it somewhat you can tell where the weak. Areas of the base are because this the walls always get destroyed Wow crazy we need to, upgrade our defenses for sure I think I just wish I was more help to my base because right, now oh dude they got through over here they got to the actual bomb tower that's craziness he destroyed this entire wall see this is what I think it comes. Into play like I didn't even think about planning out my base I actually that's. I had no idea what's even expect I didn't know what all those items were and I'm the one of the operators so I really. Couldn't I couldn't. Plan because the first I'm playing the game so anyway my point is is that in the next one definitely gonna well if I do another, one if you guys want see more obviously let me know but if I do another. One I'm obviously going to build an amazing base it's not gonna look like a frickin dirt mess okay it's not gonna, be a mess it's gonna actually make sense does that be your play that just by alright so I'm going, to upgrade all my defenses I think because we're getting so much gold that we should be able to or should I upgrade my gold no it's got to, be defenses oh I can't I got to upgrade the gold stash first oh crap crap crap crap oh crap okay okay it's not. Good this is not good this is not good guys oh no here they come she's not good, okay quickly I'm out of wood a lot of wood upgrade quick come on wood, upgrade I think I can just do that I just sit here no I need stone okay we seem to be doing okay things seem to be, okay we seem to be good for the most part I need I need to gather stuff quickly don't crap what if like, this, whole time I actually had enough to upgrade something and I did nope great oh my gos it would suck okay gather gather gather gather gather gather gather gather gather gather gather gather gather. Gather gather gather gather quickly do it quickly quick oh here they come I think, things are upgraded for the most part now they might be able to actually defend hopefully. I'll create the arrow thing clavichord that cannot too far away to break it in their burger no this area is so weak. Over here because of the trees pull it off guys hold it off okay they did okay they did okay, we did okay here this whole side just gets brutal brutally destroyed every. Time oh my gosh so intense man you got to work so fast it's insane it's not enough time in the day to do everything, you need to do this is just like like it's game this is a life simulator with zombies it's not enough time of the. Day to do everything we shouldn't have to sleep and while this can be don't sleep you need to stay awake or you'll die okay they get, through anywhere else to get through a gazebo a couple couple spots we got a repair our are our weaknesses, so if we don't this is where they're going to exploit I'm going to, exploit our vulnerabilities okay we cannot allow that no sir oh sorry all right there we go all that's upgraded this. Is not upgraded now it is upgrade, upgrade upgrade upgrade need more going he won't go 300 gold stone okay we need 50 stone that's not bad we can do that real fast holy smokes. Man better that's so fast there we go now we're getting the. Gold now the gold is coming what do you need help potions for seriously I don't understand anytime is approaching all this button ease these walls what what the crap what just happened and then I'm assuming at one point, you're going to have to. Like actually repair as you go and like well I should say make towers as, you are like fighting them and during a wave because it's going to be so intense okay that's pretty good for now we need 16000 to probably upgrade all of this just to make sure, we have it which this doesn't really. Matter because if they get past here then if it get to that then that's gonna be an issue in and of itself but look at our bases bilities holy crap 30 minutes huh Wow, okay well things are going recording forever over here this game actually is pretty easy, to play because you it's so kind of like you know you don't really do much at the moment I killed him q3 exam bow, yeah yeah how do you like that I like them apples we're going to look at the damage, after the nights over there like they don't even tax. You they just like come up next to you and they're just like anyway what's up how's it going it's, just for base right here hey you've got a nice-looking base man I like your base I don't know if you mind but I think me my buddies, are gonna try to steal your gold you okay with. That stupid zombies no I'm not okay with that all this one left you poor little chap get ripped okay we. Need some malls over here there we go okay this is actually going pretty easy another way upgrading all of the towers and stuff and honestly I don't, know I'm going to be playing this game, forever yeah so I think I'm gonna go ahead and call for the video right here hope you guys enjoyed a look at this game and hopefully you guys are having a great day, things are going well for you in your life I'm really I really like this game but it's just one of those games it's like man. You can play this game for a very very very long time and I mean I could literally be, playing it for forever at, this moment forget to upgrade your pickaxe as well check out the shop if there's a. Bee oh guess what I've already done it okay I've already done it I need gold we need to upgrade these things okay for no other reason but up good thanks watching guys hope you guys have a. Great day I'll. See you next you .