Zombs.io Unblocked

Can't you understand that I'm struggling right now game I don't need any more blue Smurf bastards attacking me somehow once again though this wall is just enough to survive another wave it's in Chrissy my hand hurts from all this. Wall building all right let's build another wall Sall video and guy into a gas here and welcome back to. Another IO game today. We're checking out a new one called zombies IO now this is actually a very unique one as compared to the other. Ones that we've been playing ah this is another one where you're building up a fortress but it comes with zombies as, well so basically waves of zombies come and attack your fortress you have to try and deal with them all while dealing with, you know typical IO experience PB peers as well on it's actually really difficult in really fun there's a lot of upgrading to, it does look a lot like moo moooooo. But it doesn't really play like it so here we are here's our little guy basically what happens is once we put down this gold stash we got to build around that. And that is our lifeline once that dies you actually die you. Can respawn at your gold stash whenever you die now that being said there's going to be zombies when I put down that gold stash so we don't really, want to do that just yet ah there's going to be people pvping us as well so we obviously don't want to put. It down too early when we don't have any resources because we need to defend that also there's a, shop system we'll get more into that later, on but basically you buy your weapons in there ah that is something you start to earn when you. Do get your gold mines down which you need for your base now I'm seeing these two things together you always want these games to resources stuck together that's. Going to get both the resources at, the same time so this is obviously a really good spot so I think we'll build our base right over here somewhere uh once we do collect a little bit of, these resources I want to collect a lot of them, first because I don't think the zombies come until you put down your gold stash they're kind of like leprechauns they don't. Care about you they just care about the money dammit so yeah as you can see Knight is fast approaching that's what this little bar is down here daylight and. Night light night late night time ah and yeah once night comes the zombies come so we'll see. If they attack me I don't think they they attack players they just attack a gold mine, so we should be totally fine to gather throughout the night here and then we should have a decent amount of resources to actually, start building our base in the morning time alright I think that should be more, than enough I don't think we need many resources at the start there is tears in this game by the way as well we'll get, more into that as we start developing this so I want this somewhere in a nice open space because we're going to build around it. That's going to be the center of our base so now that we have that.

I'm just going to put some walls all the way around, this thing that way it's obviously at least basically safe ah now that we have that dinette we're going to start getting into the weapons here and that's when it gets fun so I think I'm going. To, put yeah well do to camp you know what let's just do cannons all the way around this thing and yeah we are going to be beefed up the defense is really really. Quickly here oh oh you motherer see that's the problem you get the out of here okay spin spin don't don't attack my if. You want a team no team just go away please I don't want a team I just want to set. Up my base I hope now I feel bad okay he just made a. Sad face I honestly I don't know why anyone would want a team in an IO game I don't trust anybody.

In IO games so I generally don't team austenite is quickly approaching I spent most of, my day fighting off that guy when I really didn't need to fight him I feel kind of bad. Now and of course gathering resources but we have lots of cannons right now so we should be okay oh that's why I couldn't put down the cannons because we. Don't have any more of them so probably should have looked at that real, quick we should be totally fine to deal with these first ways to do the waves do get, progressively harder and yeah for this first base I think we're just going to have a very beefy small base so we're going to put all the. Weapons around I. Didn't really showcase these weapons either we got arrow towers cannon towers bomb towers mage towers and of course the gold mines which I in retrospect should have. Put down before the weapons but you know what sometimes you just screw up okay now now I'm really screwing up so we're going to stop at oh my, god I'm really screwing up now this is this is making me very angry ah but yeah I, probably should have put the gold mines down in, the middle that's totally fine though I actually like the idea of having them as defense instead of losing my weapons when they're attacked. So basically they need to kill these before they can kill my weapons but that is a really beefed up middle of the tower I probably should have, put a few more yeah we're going to put some of the weapons out here so when the zombies run, in they'll be damaged as well especially with these bombs towers, they should work really good at that what else do we have left we got lots of mage towers so we'll put these out in. The outskirts as well and we might need to add some defense to these things I don't know we'll see how, much they get damaged with this first wave that's coming in okay we can't Oh is there a. Limitation on how far I can go yes there is you can see the red so you can't make your base. As big as the map unfortunately not that you have enough resources to do that anyways but yeah we're making this nice and. Spread now so six out of six six out of six six out of six and we just need the arrow towers so, I think what we're going, to do before that is build a little wall around this thing so on nice fast-approaching get to safety. Well I don't really have safety yet I don't really got a choice but the Hangout out here. So we're going to do that and build this wall really quickly Oh actually we're out of resources we should be again totally fine to just not attack the zombies the night this night, because they are so small you can see we have so many weapons down we're doing just fine right now but we are. Going to have to help out the weapons later on once these always get harder and harder, so I'm just going to focus on gathering right now actually now that we're earning some money we should probably upgrade. Our pickaxe that would be smart to gather two at a time all right that, should be enough resources so we're going to want to put I guess we'll just put the door right here I'm not too worried about using. That door the only time I'm going to use it is when I need, to get into safety from PV peers or the zombies so that should be totally fine and we'll just have a nice big wall.

All around this thing now I am worried. About the range of these weapons I think they should still be in range and it's going. To be totally safe in there so that's pretty cool and now that we got that wall up ha we can also do more. Walls how many okay we have lots of different blocks we can use we can do 250 of these so I'm going to put another wall around all my units, so they're a little bit more safe because they can break down, the walls pretty easily and once they do that I'd rather not my weapons die because they're expensive to repair so there we go, I have a nice wall all the way around this thing. A little bit of a tight squeeze but that's actually probably a good thing I don't want to make too big again Oh am i oh I'm all out of wood I.

Probably should have paid attention night is fast approaching again and again I'm not, really going to focus on the zombies just yet but you can see how. Quick this game is basically you don't have time to deal with other people you're kind of playing by yourself but there's other people around and here comes the zombies uh okay so yeah they, can't get in through the doors you can see only I can get in, through that should I help I don't think I should help just yet I think they're doing just. Fine here so again we're going to focus on gathering throughout this and, then putting in all the walls and I might actually move a lot of these weapons into the wall as well just to keep them safe all right actually I think I'll just leave them out, here until they die and then once they die I'll, put them in inside the walls that way we're not wasting a full day doing that as. Well but there we go we got lots of resources now so how this works. You can probably saying well you're getting to the end of the game now not really because there's different tiers so we, already have enough gold to upgrade to the next year I don't know if I'm going to do that just yet I want to make sure, I have a good castle in place first and then we will upgrade to that which will obviously give us the next tier which is a stronger weapon. Stronger armor stronger everything now on top of that we. Are also going to want to buy weapons soon so I think I'm going to buy the bomb right now that's the best thing to deal with, are the zombies so you know what. I think I will upgrade the bomb quite drastically we got a Tier three bomb now so that's going to help us out when the zombies do come so, obviously we're going to want to help out so we're going to want to help out because we have a lot of, damage to help these weapons attack the zombies so next goal for me is going. To be upgrading my gold coppers and upgrading everything so once that's upgraded basically you can upgrade everything else but you have to. Upgrade that first before you can upgrade anything so now that we have some spare time I'm just going to focus. On gathering as much as possible right now because we are going to need this later on in the game alright but now that Knight is here I think I. Should. Get ready to attack these guys here they come yes let's see how good these bombs are so oh yeah they, take them down really really quickly they also have a blast radius that is a bomb after all so. Once they do get in big groups you can kill them really really quickly and as you can see our Ford is holding up just fine right now it's not too bad we're only on wave 4 though how's, the first-place guy, doing wave 31 I die I don't want to see how hard those waves are going to be I think I might actually get rid, of these over here and add one more door in here so I don't need to run all the, way around and waste time every time I want to go inside so now it's time to upgrade so we upgrade that and now, we can actually upgrade all the walls and all the weapons let's actually upgrade the weapons first I'm not really having issues with defense right now. So obviously the weapons are the most important thing to upgrade right now right now, and the gold actually the gold should always be upgraded right away that way we're earning as much gold as possible all the, time so there we go we got all those. Done we'll upgrade these and yeah so far this is going really really well I'm going to say it's not going to last like that that much longer though because these waves do get pretty. Damn hard really quickly thankfully I got a lot of resources so we can upgrade all this within like a, day which is crazy ok so we are out of resources now but, we upgraded most of it at least and now we can go back to gathering all right and here comes the next wave now. Instead of attacking the zombies because I would help a little bit but my defenses are. So good in my offense is so good right now that I think I'm just going to gather throughout this that way we're not wasting any time. Gathering and as you can see they're dying so quickly mind you they do have. Weapons now so I'm going to want to upgrade that outer wall here too because those weapons will knock down those bricks. Really really quickly so once these guys are all done once a day time and we have a decent amount of, resources I'm going. To upgrade the outer wall alright that should be more than enough to deal with this and upgrading these are really slow so we're going to have to probably spend all day. Doing this because it is not the best layout everything, in terms of this game in terms of building is amazing the only thing I don't like is upgrading especially these little things I should be able to like drag an upgrade as many. Things as I want I think that would make this a, much better game not that it's bad now but it's just really annoying having to upgrade quite literally 250 of these by the end of the, game because of how many walls you need to be successful in this game it's not a huge issue just my one. Minor complaint about this game aside from that though one of the better IO games that I played for sure all right I. Did do it much faster though then I. Thought I would I'm getting pretty good at playing this game this is kind of one, of those games that I play when I'm bored what is with typical with IO games they are the ultimate board game. But yes there we go so we got that all done everything is upgraded in here, what do I need for the next tier so I need 10,000 gold to get to the next tier so well these guys are fighting I think I'm just going to upgrade even more in here because we're doing. Just fine right now and I might actually add another layer. To the outside wall because we have so many of these stones that we can use here they come there's quite a few of them actually it's getting kind of, scary out there but my weapons should hopefully deal with them I might need to repair a few things. Here that we are getting later into the game but you know what it's actually working really well I, think and yes they have, all died and look at this I love that this castles so small too that I can upgrade like all, sides of it in one area the range of upgrading is really nice in this game so you don't really got to move too much and you can upgrade your whole place all right. This is actually really good timing though we needed 10,000 to get to. The next year and it's looking like we are all tier, 2 now so this is a really good layout and we're about to hit tier 3 so should I do, it now I don't think I will I think I'm actually going to go back to gathering so I'm going to spend some money, on a better pickaxe because I want to get as much gathering done now as possible because I know we're not going to have, time to do that later on so I think we can survive another wave with only tier 2 and I think it's, going to be worth it and just like that we're actually almost back to the big 10,000 so definitely tomorrow we're going to go. To tier 3 and now we have enough resources to actually utilize that tier 3 so it's. Probably really smart that I spent that whole day just gathering oh my. God though I might be regretting this now look at how many there is ok my, outer weapons are dying which is good I'm going to have time to put them inside but my god thankfully my damage output is quite drastic right now they did break through though which is scaring me a. Little bit so oh that was actually was that my door yes it was ok so we're going, to get rid of those and put the door back in so I think we. Should upgrade our walls now but I also need to upgrade to tier 3 so I, think it'd be smarter to could just go to tier 3 right now so let's do that all right so we're going to upgrade the. Tier 3 first thing I'm going to do is I think. The walls here I feel like we need this defense drastically and it shouldn't take me too long to do this. And then we're going to do the inside weapons a lot of the outside weapons I kind of want to die because then I can put them inside and keep this nice refined. Castle we got going on here working all right but I guess actually I should do the gold right now at, least so let's do that real quick this is, going to waste a lot of my resources so you can see how quickly it's going to use the resources now because we are getting into higher tiers so I'm going, to have to upgrade my hatchet we still have, really any of the weapons either so ah it's a fine line between you know building your castle and building your character I'm, kind of focusing on my castle right now I might be regretting that later on but I think it's going to. Be nice to have a nice strong castle I don't know why I put that there but let's, get that out of the way and Knight is fast approaching so I need to get this done quick mind you we. Are going to get the walls done just in time and hopefully I can just. Upgrade most of these weapons while we're in here so there we go we got that we got oh no, I didn't mean to do that okay okay so bomb tower go back in I really wish, the cell button was kind of in a hidden spot or something it's way too easy to hit it all right and here comes the enemies that I, were doing just fine dealing with them though. I did have enough time to upgrade the majority of these weapons how am i doing for resources not so good right now but we got most of them done at. Least and now we should be able to buy some more weapons or ends go help until this guy get out of here you little surf and just like, that we're doing just fine and that that wall really helped out because as you can. See I don't think we lost any of it so. Yes that worked really well let's go gather though because we are going to need some resources all, right that should be enough resources so I have time right now so I'm going to amazing I'm amazed well anyways upgrade all this as well and get all my castle to, tier 3 how much is it for tier 4 I think. It's 16 yes it is so we're going to obviously start saving up for that but I also got to think about weapons do I. Would do I want to upgrade my tears or do I want to upgrade my weapons first I think the tears of the castle, is much more important I'm going to focus on just upgrading that bomb I, think and just not having the sphere or anything else there's a bow and whatnot that. You can use but we really don't need those right now all right but it feels really good having all tier 3 because usually I don't have enough time to do, all this we have been making really good use of time here I also still have a lot of wall I can put.

Down and I think I should start doing that so.

You know what let's just do that right now well these guys come we're going to put down a wood wall all. The way around this thing so it's two tiers wide and the great thing. About these walls is you can just drag and it is so quick to do this so let's, see once we're done this how many of these things we have left on I might even go for a three tiered wall right now I don't know just yet ah, 196 that's screw it let's do it I'm going to go and really beefed up my walls here alright and there we. Go yes we have maxed it out unfortunately oh really unfortunately actually I can use these doors, as walls as well how many doors do. We have we get 40 I definitely don't need 40 doors I only need like 12 so I think we're just going to utilize these doors as defenses as well let's make sure all these. Doors are set up first though before we do. That and we might just be able to get three tiers of walls kind of cheating and using doors these things are they more expensive do I, oh yeah I totally ran out of wood so I think they are more expensive not a big deal though. So let's go help out because these walls are going to die really really quickly actually I'm going to gather. A bit screw that as I am going to need. To upgrade all these damn walls that's going to take forever that's at least a two-day thing oh god they okay so they got the machetes now so I am, going to start attacking them because I don't want to deal with, having to repair a lot of wooden walls yes please kill these weapons out here I want you guys to kill those so I can start putting them inside I think that's what we'll do, tomorrow and repair the wall the walls. Maybe the next day because they are going down really quickly as you can see all right I. Think we only lost a couple of them no they did get through over here as you can see but honestly not too bad. So let's just just to make it look nice I'm going to, put these in real quick and then we're going to put some of the weapons that died inside the walls here on the side so we can just kind of refine this once again a, little bit more I like the idea of having, everything inside and of course all my I didn't realize I lost that many units so almost all my arrow towers did die here so we're going to put one in each. Corner here and that should be all of them oh that's out of range okay am i I think I'm okay for resources. I probably should have gathered a bit more while I was out there though let's go. Out and gather some more real. Quick but what else do we need we got a bomb tower we need to put down three major hours oh, I might not even have enough space in there for all this but that's good I didn't realize I had so few. Weapons right now that I was only using so the fact that we were, able to hold out is a pretty good indicator and that was Wade ten I think the the ten waves are the hardest. Ones so we should have a pretty easy wave next up Gold's also at 16,000 so we could upgrade to the next year if we did, want to but again I have so much to do right now I don't think that's really a smart thing to do first of all I'm going to put, all these doors down so we can. Finish up that wall and do I upgrade those or do I put more weapons down I think I'm going to put more weapons down for. Right now so basically we don't got any freaking room in here so I'm gonna have to put mage towers right beside, these things hopefully I don't get too tight, in here because it is getting really tight as you can see oh god they are just destroying those damn walls it's not a huge deal because they're not gonna be able to get through the third, walls I just don't want have to do a lot of repairs I don't think I. Have a choice great they just took down that wood so you can really see the. Difference in tiers though these things don't last at all oh my god that's actually scary I didn't expect this wave to, be so difficult and that was wave 11 ah well me maybe I, should just deal with the walls later on because I feel like maybe upgrading would be the better option right now. And getting to the better tiered walls but I also need to gather I need to do a lot. Right now so the thing is I can actually take a time out if I want to basically take a day off and you don't get the zombie. Plague it cost ten thousand oh and you only get one of them so I don't know if it's really worth it right now I think, I'm just going to put the walls back down and try and upgrade them as quickly as possible. So let's do that now that it is daytime we don't have much time so I'm, going to do this wall and then this wall the question, is do I put down all the walls first or do I start upgrading I think I'm going to. Start upgrading that way these walls won't be broken again so I would waste more time upgrading them and here they come Wow they came much, quicker than I expected I think I'm just going to power through this and try and still do the walls no you know what these. Guys are breaking it god damn it so I did get half of it done at least the other half, is going to take a lot of work though you know what I think we'll be totally fine throughout the night, so I'm just going to gather so we can do, this wall really quickly when day time does come all right there we go we're doing totally fine here we are currently in fifth, place we're doing really good actually I really like the. Layout of this so I'm excited but as you can see the walls ain't doing so well over here so we got we got to fix that really really quick which actually shouldn't take much time at. All it just started the, day so we should at least get this outer wall done and then I think I might go in we're at 24,000 gold so I do need to go to the next tier really soon here. These waves are just getting too hard with these lower tiers so are we all out okay so. Yeah we got to start using these now all right but that was actually much quicker than I thought you can only place. Buildings within the range I guess we were not in range man I didn't realize they took, so much out over. Here this was all reinforced – that's not good okay well I guess that's a really good indicator we should probably upgrade our walls then to the next tier. Once we do get this all laid down I still got to put weapons, they'll know this is there's never enough time in this game look at the days already over it just started. And it's already freaking over so I got to get these walls and of course I'm out of resources so I'm not going to be able, to get those walls done without the day coming to an end of this is this is going to get scary now because I'm slowly getting. Behind on everything nothing is fully done just yet and here they come so you know what upgrade that at least so to. Help that out what's upgrade this Oh thankfully these walls are. Holding up much better as you can see but still there's just so many people here, ah all right we got so much money again I'm going to upgrade my pickaxe I need the, better pickaxe there we go harvest three at a time and it's much quicker that's very Oh oh didn't even realize I was being hit I didn't know that. Was a thing Oh God oh okay okay okay just got to get out of here I thought I was going to get stuck, in there so that's ty I didn't realize that. They could attack me I'm serious as I'm just focusing on my castle I didn't expect it and I just spend money on my hatchet that got reset well. This is going to be fun guys this is going to be real fun thankfully. I'm earning gold like crazy right now so it's not going to be. Too big of an issue we're already back basically at my other hatchet so not a huge issue but they are breaking, down my walls and everything's going crazy already I don't got enough time to deal with this all right so I think my defenses are ed right now ah so what I'm going to focus, on is offense because as you can see, my god they took down everything look at this so basically what I'm gonna do is . Good enough time like what the this is crazy okay you know what I don't even got enough money to pause the day I. Was going to pause the day but I need $10,000 for that so. Uh yeah we dropped off quite hard here hopefully we can pull it back alright so I got a few resources oh my god I lost the date over there see I'm rushing now and, I'm totally screwing up so I screwed up my door thankfully I added two doors for that reason clay. Knew I would so now we can you know what let's just close it off I don't even. Care I just need to get these weapons down and, we got I could have used a little bit more space in here I probably should have added a lot more space I just want to get all my weapons down to. Make sure my, damage output is as good as possible all of them are down now it's time to upgrade as much as I can not that that's much because I don't have any resources all right I think, I think it's going to be smart to, buy the pickaxe we need that thing because I need resources really bad right now and this is so much faster oh my god it looks like that night so it is, daytime now so that night no zombies came thank god I need to upgrade these weapons I need to add some more walls. Ah and then we should be okay again but again we're only on tier 3. At level 14 I got to assume that's not good enough so we are going to focus on. Getting that upgrade but I lost all my gold so it's like it sucks right now cuz of that huge up that I did, I died I shouldn't have died that was stupid but honestly in this game I've never been attacked by zombies so I, didn't didn't even know that was a thing alright at least I got lots of resources now so we can, upgrade this and hopefully survive the next wave we should be, ok now I think I think I think we, got over that minor upset there Knight is fast approaching though so we do have enough time at least to upgrade these things so there we go we got, all our weapons at tier 3 on now I just need to add these walls down which I should, probably do as quickly as possible and a lot of what again oh my god the wood issue is real and I lost my bomb as well so I. Can't do anything right now aside from. Gather and I think that's God here I'm getting a deja boo' it's much safer on, this side I guess but I think oh yeah we're doing good now they're not even getting in through the wood so we should be okay and hopefully I got enough, time to deal with these walls and hopefully I get enough money to get to the next tier because that really slow me down. We're back in 6th place though we actually dropped to 10th and now we're back, in 6 so things are going our way it's just just a. Minor setback they're no big deal at all alright so that should be enough for right now let's. Focus on upgrading these things getting this outer wall safe and we should be good alright it's looking good in here Knight is quickly approaching on that's fine because we did it guys we, made it I got all my walls pretty much done I think I might, just focus on upgrading these walls throughout the fight as well get this mid to your wall hopefully upgraded as well yeah. We're going to do that Mazal just start from somewhere around here and here they are with their cleavers and everything oh man they got a. Lot of actual enemies now am i okay I'm still upgrading it's actually I'm being disoriented now with all, these friggin zombies around oh god they are breaking it so let's try and reinforce any of the breaks that. Come in like that for example oh my god they're actually making a good way in, here oh god I thought I was doing good and this happens, like look at this is crazy alright well upgrade as much of this as possible and when you do upgrade things, I don't know if you've noticed but the health is regen de so especially with like these damaged things. If you upgrade them it's going to help out a lot later on ah oh my god there's so much to do there's always just so much to do so I think I'm going to. Take a huge risk here and I'm, going to not focus on the walls I know I probably but I want to get to the next tier of weapons because we need that damage so I'm going to gather a little, bit right now for a little bit more of the day hopefully. Have enough to upgrade all my internals and we should be okay we'll quickly patch. Up some of this but I am NOT going to upgrade these once again to a better tier just because they don't, last very long right now and I need to focus on the weapons so ok now we can finally oh wait is it it's 16000 I thought it was 10. Okay now now I know I'm back to square one I do have to upgrade these damn things on, a good note I, think we got another zombie last night so it couldn't come at a better time I'm waiting patiently for my money now ah we need 16000 but at least I've, had time to actually upgrade pretty much all of these walls too so we just need to plan a few more but aside from. That we're back to to your three walls this time all the way through which is, huge okay so days halfway over once again I wanted.

To get a bunch of resources so I can it looks like it's not upgraded yet it's not so I can upgrade my, weapons as well so we're going to upgrade that we're going to upgrade all the gold upgrade I forgot I should have waited a little bit longer for more gold ah but yes, we need gold to upgrade the weapons as well so do i upgrade the gold mines. First to earn money quicker or do i upgrade the weapons to deal with this next. Wave decisions Oh God okay so there's some very big guys here I think we're going to let's just upgrade as much as we can. In here and hopefully I mean we should be able to hold out I kind, of assumed anyways I hope so and because this is going to be difficult oh they're everywhere, like quite literally oh my god they're going to get in at some places and I don't got any weapons right now okay we survived it we lost a lot of our, walls once again but we, survived it and we upgraded to the next tier so what I got to focus on now is basically upgrading everything so definitely get the gold early on here earn as much gold. As possible and like still I don't I don't earning enough gold to earn more. Gold dammit so I guess all we can really do today are the best thing we can do today, is focus on repairing these walls and hopefully surviving another wave of these dirty bastards we should be able to. Upgrade the weapons quickly at least so we can just do that throughout the next wave coming in and if we have enough. Time we should be able to upgrade these walls, as well all right there we go just like that all right let's go back inside upgrade all my gold earners and hopefully. Kind of assume with these things being upgraded I should earn six hundred gold really quickly so every upgrade oh now we have what issues. Of course not just fast approaching I didn't realize upgrading those gold things would use so much, damn wood so in retrospect I probably should have built around this thing because I could definitely earn more gold at night or earn more. Resources at night rather and that would help. Me out a lot oh god what are these things okay we need we need some weapons now so we're going to upgrade the bomb once again mind you it is such a small bomb. I don't know if it's going to help too much but at least we got some. Upgraded weapons now oh my God look at this how am I. Supposed to survive this what are we on wave 19 okay I can't wait to see what wave 20 is this is crazy and they're in they got in guys oh god this is. I thought we were doing good, okay I'm thinking at this point screw the outside wall because it's not really helping too much on I don't. Really have time to set it up again I think we're just going to focus on building, a wall inside as quickly as possible ah let's focus on upgrading these weapons today though I think we should be able to survive a few more waves with these. Lacking walls so I just really I need money damn it that's my issue right now is money so, thankfully I upgraded those Wells or most of them looks like this one still needs an upgrade there we go, oh we are earning money a lot quicker now but I'm just, getting overrun by these damn zombies mind you we made it to third so we're doing good we're doing something right it's. Just a constant struggle man like it does not let up alright Knight is fastly approaching we're we got decent money now at least. I'm having resource issues though so hopefully I can upgrade this hatchet soon if I have time I'm. Just going to focus on upgrading all the weapons so I need some more resources to do that Alright nighttime has started so let's upgrade. These as quickly as possible oh god okay there's a lot of people here hey guys my bombs not really going to help too. Much so I'm just going to stand out of the way here and try and upgrade all these things so hopefully my weapons, can do, the hard work for me yeah that's fine just knock down those walls I didn't want them anyways anymore okay we, are out of resources so again I'm not really going to help too much so we're just going to go back to my resource gathering and try not to. Waste too much of tomorrow I don't got really any. Walls left though so this is going to be fun man I really liked that wall design though I hope I can do it again I don't think I got enough time. Though okay so how much is the next hatchet it is 8,000 I got to buy it, because I need so much resources right now that it would be stupid for me not to buy that once I hit, 8000 here mind you it might be smarter to upgrade my bomb as well but screw it, I am NOT about smart I am about usefulness and the pickaxe is. Very useful right now so now we got a blue one that is so much faster look at. This okay so that should be more than enough resources right now I do need to put some walls in that would be smart so at this point I, think I'm just going to build a big square guys because I don't really got time to try and. Build something perfect here alright so there's a very big square so we are going to upgrade the outside walls – the white ones that way hopefully they will hold up for. A little bit and we'll have enough time to actually focus on people like a castle again right now I'm. In I'm in defense mode I don't got a choice but to just try and bunker down as best possible. And here, they come alright I'm going to upgrade these walls still all these damn blue bastards you freaking Smurfs from hell that's. What you are oh my god they are they already destroyed this side holy look at this okay I, can't I can't okay oh god this is bad this is real bad okay they're breaking into breaking my gold things now yep I don't like. These blue guys at all okay we survived it ah how many gold things do any I definitely want to, get my gold things down so let's get that down yeah we actually lost most of our, gold mines so this is getting really ugly but at this point it's all about speed guys so we're going to upgrade these start. Earning some golde because the more gold we earn the quicker we can get to the next tier and we need that next. Year I think alright but we also need defenses because we are going, to get screwed today if we don't get more defense especially on this side, so yeah we're just going to once again try and upgrade these damn walls hopefully it actually works this time I doubt it though, I don't have enough time to do anything in this game it is just a constant struggle and that that's that's that's the definition of a good tower. Defense game though when you have to utilize all of your. Time actually this might be good I'm hoping these white blocks are really really strong and can hold out because we, got both sides done now and the middle is actually looking ok alright so this is going to be fun I'm going to try and attack anyone that they attack so I can upgrade these, things because you can see they actually reset when you do upgrade them alright. They're so quick right now that I just keep. I need to upgrade every everything this is getting dangerous all right they're breaking everything come on just going to upgrade. I'm constantly upgrading or breaking yeah oh my god okay there's too many all right Bob time here we go these bombs don't seem to do anything it feels like goddamn it but we, did survive once again another night, oh this either kill me or let me survive damn it this is too much of us a stressful mission right now good news though we hit 2nd place. I would love to beat beast but he's about doubl me right, now I don't know how he's doing it he's only on wave 11 so I'm assuming he might be pvping a little bit had to get more resources I also had to hurt earn more, gold I spent so much on these white things that I lost all. My gold so we definitely want to upgrade B's I can't even afford to upgrade them right now of course so I guess we're just going to. Have to deal with our gold issues alright here they come great thanks for not giving me any time at all. Ah you blue bastards I don't know what you guys are and like I don't understand it.

Because they don't attack me so they're not. Vom B's are they left or cons like what they just this want the gold that's all they want all right that white did not last as long, as I hope for because these guys are getting great and this is my god they don't stop just can't you understand. That I'm struggling right now game I don't need any more, blue Smurf bastards attacking me somehow once again though this wall is just enough to survive another way, see my hand hurts from oldest wall building all right let's build another wall all right let's make sure we got all of our weapons to O mage towers are missing, everywhere so thankfully we can utilize these things to hopefully be attacked all right so again. We need to get our gold up we don't have much. Gold earning right now it seems really really slow how much gold thing he's doing all I have that would explain it I have. One gold mine I don't see these things go away I don't pay attention to. Them because they're well something that I don't really need to pay attention to but obviously yeah we need some of these things so that would explain why, I'm earning so little gold sorry about that guys I never said I'm good at these. Games that placement was probably stupid as well because now they can simply break in and destroy all. My gold mines but honestly I need my weapons more than my gold right now so I don't really care. Let's just upgrade some of these further ones so we can earn some serious go here and here they come hah this seems to be hopefully a. Nicer wave I really hope a nicer way because I need a break I don't even got I got wooden walls right now yeah there's. A lot less here so this is good this shows that we might be able to survive this. One but they are still coming in so I think it's just a slow spawning. Wave to troll me and think it's an easy one but of course it's not alright you bastards please just again we, survived but again they took away everything once again, night is fastly approaching and looking at the leaderboard I've got to give myself a pat on the back because I'm at wave 24 nothing is even close to me on the leaderboard right now alright once, again I'm going to upgrade these gold things why I don't know you know what actually I can get to 10,000 gold and.

I can take a time out so that's my goal right now earn enough money to take a time. Out and hopefully rebuild and of, course kill these bastards before they kill all the gold mines that I just put down ah it's my own damn fault though I should focus. On the walls but I can't focus on the walls because I'm trying to get weapons down I mean it is just you need to keep your momentum, because once you start you know slacking that's when all hell breaks loose and look at this, like I have nothing left I that is just this is just crazy all, right well at this point I don't even know what. To do so we're just going to put down all of our weapons once the oh we can't put down all, our weapons because we have no wood how the do want to have no wood like this is crazy okay. At least I have one good thing going on I got a decent hatchet that's that that's my only benefit right, now all right well I only have a day to do anything so and it's just it's not going to happen guys because all it takes so much money to put down the weapons and then. The upgrades of weapons so I need. At least like 500 wood right now and like days halfway over already okay I have no time to do anything all right so let's start putting some of, this stuff down and we're just going to try and spread it out. As much as possible and yeah try and survive this hellhole night is fast approaching thanks game I even, upgraded these things yet alright we probably upgrade them at least to make them actually useful so let's focus on.

Upgrading everything that we got down right now and then we will play some more down but as you can see we, have to gather more materials because we're going to everything out everything I hate you guys. I hate you bastard Smurfs you guys please go away just like seriously go away you guys, aren't going away okay well it was a good run I think I don't know yeah okay let's try and hit these. Guys because they did break in my gold mine is being damaged a little bit but I think maybe I can survive it oh this. Is crazy okay yeah the gold mine thankfully has a lot of HP it's not it's not looking good for tomorrow oh nope. It's going I can't do anything ha 26 waves for the final score of 4000 sorry for not 4,000 that's way off 451314 a. PvP or is a good strategy as well so maybe we can try that out see how many people, we can take. Down and how much where we can get doing that let me know in the comments below if you guys do want to see that once again this is alms that I owe thanks, for watching and liking. Guys and I will see you in the next one .